What is a gummy smile?

A gummy smile refers to too much gum tissue on display when you smile. This can take away the focus from the lips and teeth. A gummy smile refers to the upper part of the mouth the “top gums” so above the top teeth.

What is the reason for a gummy smile?

There are many factors when we look at what causes a Gummy Smile. This can be down to genetics or the position of the teeth within the gums. The main causes are:

    • Oversized or problems with teeth
    • Gum which are long or enlarged
    • Bone structure
    • Thin upper lip which showcases more of the gum area
    • Muscles which are hyperactive that can elevate the lip

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Gummy Smile



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Using Botox to treat a Gummy Smile

When Botox is injected, it weakens the muscles, so they become less hyperactive. By relaxing the muscles this can minimise the appearance of the gums being on display when the mouth is moving or when we are communicating.

Using an insulin needle small injections are places at both sides of the nostril and nose to mouth lines. Results will be visible from 5 to 7 days. You must allow up to 2 weeks for the full results.